
ENGC20: The Antihero in Literature and Film

ENGC20: The Antihero in Literature and Film - person standing on a mountain


Course Name: The Antihero in Literature and Film

Instructor: Prof. Yulia Ryzhik

Course Description: This course traces the evolution of the antihero trope from its earliest prototypes in pre- and early modern literature, through its Gothic and Byronic nineteenth-century incarnations, twentieth-century existentialists, noir and Beat protagonists, and up to the 鈥渄ifficult鈥 men and women of contemporary film, television, and other media. We will examine the historical and cultural contexts that enabled the construction and enduring popularity of this literary archetype, particularly in relation to gender and sexuality, race, class, religion, and (post-)colonialism.


Featured Texts:

John Milton, Paradise Lost


Mary Shelley, Frankenstein


Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray


William Shakespeare, Hamlet


Delivery: ENGC20 will be delivered synchronously (live) online.


Learn more about Prof. Ryzhik's teaching and research, as well as how to contact her with any questions.


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