
Apr 3: SELF's Annual General Meeting

Do you want to have a say in who becomes Acting Chairs for the new team for Students of English Literature and Film? Come out and join SELF in the upcoming elections and Annual General Meeting (AGM) where you will be able to meet the following candidates running for the 2018-19 team:

- Nicholas Marcelli, candidate for President (part of Bros of English Literature and Film):
Nicholas is a third-year English specialist with a minor in Literature and Film studies. Working with??SELF has given him the chance to combine his love of English literature and film with the opportunity to foster a community of people with like-minded interests within the student body. As Events Coordinator for SELF this year, he was given the opportunity to see the inner workings of the planning process as well as the decision-making that goes into the behind the scenes operations. If given the chance to become President, his goals would go beyond the continuation and expansion of current SELF resources and services. More specifically, he would like to encourage and develop programs that benefit both students in the English Department and within all of UTSC.

- Grayson Chong, candidate for Vice-President of Academics (part of Bros of English Literature and Film):
Grayson is currently pursuing a major in English and a double minor in French and creative writing. When she is not reading the works of William Shakespeare or H??l??ne Cixous, she is a a dancer and a poet. Her creative writing pieces and academic papers have been featured in numerous journals, anthologies, and academic conferences. In the future, Grayson hopes to become an English professor specializing in early modern literature, Shakespeare, poetry, and postcolonial theory (with an emphasis on Caribbean literature).

- Ryanne Kap, candidate for Vice-President of Operations (part of Bros of English Literature and Film):
As a driven and passionate English student, Ryanne would deeply appreciate the opportunity to become further involved with SELF. Having served on the DSA as a First-Year Representative and then Co-Creative Executive Editor, she has been able to work with like-minded individuals to support and contribute to the UTSC community. As a candidate for Vice President Operations, her primary goals are to continue supporting and expanding SELF's reputation as a DSA that prioritizes the needs of English students. Specifically, she wants to help organize events to promote the creative writing and film communities and build more faculty-student connections at UTSC.

During the AGM, SELF be going through events and services that have been held in the past year. We will also be casting votes for the new SELF chair team, and any student with an English POSt is eligible to vote.

If you are unable to attend the AGM but would like to cast a vote, please send an email to elections.self@gmail.com to cast a "yes" or "no" to President, VP Academics, and VP Operations by 8PM on April 3, 2018.

annual meeting self