
Apr 13: ENGD02 Colloquium

Apr 13: ENGD02 Colloquium

Please join Prof. Maria Assif and the students of ENGD02: Teaching Academic Writing: Theories, Methods and Service Learning for an end-of-year colloquium celebration on Tuesday 13 April.


12:05 - 12:25pm (EST): Keynote address by Ms. Heather McCaig, a national leader in high school education.

Lead by example, treat each other better than you expect to be treated, and live life to the fullest! These are motos that Heather McCaig lives by. Heather graduated from university in 1995 and taught in a number of schools in Alberta, Canada. She has taught at her current school, Crescent Heights High School since 1999. Leadership and Social Studies are her passions. She has developed courses from grade 7 to 12, with hundreds of students taking her leadership courses at her school yearly. Heather lives what she teaches. She is one of the top elected officials in her Teacher's Association for the Province of Alberta and is also the President of the Alberta Association of Student's Councils and Advisors. Heather believes very strongly in helping others and that half of teaching is actually the relationships that you can build with your students. Her door is always open, and students know that they always have an ear to listen to them and a mentor to ask questions to. Her English D02Y keynote address will discuss the life changing impact of community service and leadership in high school education.

Zoom Link: 

Meeting ID: 893 8872 2575
SecurityPasscode: 312809


2:35 - 3:00pm (EST): Closing Ceremony: Summative reflections about the English D02Y teaching placements by student representatives and Prof. Assif, plus a Certificates Ceremony

Zoom Link: 

Meeting ID: 837 2148 8567
SecurityPasscode: 994925