
2021-22 Work-Study Jobs Available

2021-22 Work-Study Jobs Available

The UTSC English Department is looking for three work-study students to join our 2021-22 Communications & Outreach team!

Log in to  to learn more about our job postings and to apply:

Communications & Outreach Assistant (Job 183028)

You'll be focusing on our overall communications strategy, as well as our website content and updates, and our schedule of events throughout the year.

Social Media Assistant (Job 183045)

You'll be in charge of our Twitter and Instagram accounts.

Curriculum Research Assistant (Job 183047)

This new position gives you the opportunity to research how other English Departments in Canada and the U.S. structure their programs and requirements, which will help us strategize how best to communicate our courses!


You are welcome to apply for multiple jobs -- all positions will be supervised by Prof. Sonja Nikkila, and you can contact her with any questions.

Application Deadline: August 27th