
Philosophy at the 澳门六合彩开奖接口

In our programs, students study with outstanding, world-class faculty members who bring cutting edge research to their teaching.

Studying philosophy fosters adept reasoning, effective communication, and excellent problem solving. It enhances your capacity to:

  • grasp and evaluate new ideas and information
  • to think creatively
  • to innovate
  • and to write and speak clearly and persuasively.

These are skills that are of immense value in a wide variety of fields and careers.

Students can specialize, major or minor in philosophy. They can combine a major or minor in philosophy with a wide range of other majors and programs. Program highlights include our very popular minor in Biomedical Ethics, and our experiential learning program, the Socrates Project.

Degree offered
Honours Bachelor of Arts
Program options
Specialist, Major, Minor
Enriched learning
Sample courses
  • Belief, Knowledge and Truth
  • Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
  • Biomedical Ethics
  • Topics in Non-Western Philosophy
Social Sciences & Humanities
Degree offered
Honours Bachelor of Arts
Program Options
Specialist, Major, Minor
Combined degree options
Enriched Learning
Sample courses
  • Belief, Knowledge and Truth
  • Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
  • Biomedical Ethics
  • Topics in Non-Western Philosophy