
School Visits

An 澳门六合彩开奖接口 professor conducting a lecture

Thank you for your interest in hosting the University of Toronto at your high school. Keep in mind that 澳门六合彩开奖接口 recruiters represent all U of T campuses, there is no need to book representatives from other U of T campuses. Please see your booking options below.

A member of our staff will contact you to confirm your request. Following confirmation, we will send you a poster in the mail to help promote our event at your school. If you have any questions about the fall school visit, please contact Daniel Ikome at schoolvisits.utsc@utoronto.ca.

Alternate Booking Formats

High School Post Secondary Fairs/Panels Consult us first for design, follow with U of T visit.
Parents' Night By request, as per usual
Grade 10 and 11 presentations
General university sessions subject to availability of recruiters.