
Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)

About This Database

Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) provides access to a variety of business data, including financial, economic, and marketing data. WRDS provides access to COMPUSTAT, CRSP, IBES, NYSE-TAQ, Global Insight, OptionMetrics and other important business research databases.

in order to start using the resource. WRDS account registrations are approved by administrators during weekday working hours. There are no approvals during weekends or holidays.

In the summer, access is suspended for student accounts. If you are teaching a class and require your students to have WRDS access, please contact the WRDS admins. If you are a student in a class, please send your name, email, course code, and prof鈥檚 name and email to the WRDS admins.

Subject Type
Accounting, Company Information, Economic Data, Economics, Financial Data, Data Sources

Subscription Type
UofT Subscription

How To Access

University of Toronto faculty, staff and graduate students. Users must using their University of Toronto email address. For more information, see "About this Database" section on this page.