
Space & Booking Requests

picture of a library
The BRIDGE is a multi-purpose academic and community space open to all. 

The BRIDGE Library

The BRIDGE Library includes soft seating for reading or study, as well as several bookshelves housing popular reading materials, reference materials such as CPA, CFA and FRM study prep, and books on leadership, entrepreneurship and startups, business planning, finance, and quantitative finance. 

The BRIDGE Finance & Data Lab

The BRIDGE Lab is a state-of-the-art experiential learning computer lab featuring 50+ extra wide-monitor terminals and 4 Bloomberg terminals. The lab features powerful, specialized software including Capital IQ and FactSet, among others. Access to the lab is limited to students currently enrolled in Management courses and teaching that requires the use of its financial software.

The BRIDGE Boardroom

The BRIDGE Boardroom is a sleek, modern space featuring leather chairs, a modular table, and a screen with built-in video conferencing. Students enrolled in the New Venture Program can access the space for meetings, and has a capacity of 12 people. 

three images of a library, boardroom, and computer lab

Request a Space Booking


  • The BRIDGE is available for bookings by current UTSC staff, students, and faculty for events that support the mission and vision of The BRIDGE.  
  • The BRIDGE Finance & Data Lab is an academic teaching space, therefore bookings can only be made at the beginning of the term, once the academic course calendar is confirmed by the Registrar’s Office.  Use and booking of The BRIDGE Finance & Data Lab is limited to courses, experiential learning, and external events that require the use or demonstration of its specialized software.
  • Priority is given to academic bookings, including lectures, tutorials, workshops, presentations, and seminars related to academic courses, where our technology and software is required.  
  • Co-curricular events, competitions, board meetings, student club events, and departmental bookings can be made on a first-come-first-serve basis.
  • The BRIDGE Boardroom is only available to students currently enrolled in the New Venture Program. Student bookings must have a staff or faculty approval.  

How to create a booking

Contact us with your request. Including the following information:

Contact information 

  • Full name
  • Email address 
  • Phone number 
  • Role at the university and current status (student, staff, faculty, librarian, other)

Event Details 

  • Title of event 
  • Affiliation (Department, Club) 
  • If student club, staff or faculty must be present during your event. Name of faculty or staff supervisor.
  • Date
  • Start time, End time
  • Audience 
  • Approximate number of attendees 
  • Will food or drink be served
  • Will audiovisual equipment be required 
  • Setup/Takedown requirements 

Spaces and technology required

  • Spaces (Lab, Library, and/or Boardroom)
  • SmartTVs
  • LCD screens
  • Video conferencing solutions