
New Venture Program

Students in a group
The New Venture Program (NVP) connects academics with experience. It is a rigorous program that involves the completion of several training modules, sessions with our team of mentors, and collaboration with U of T students in the classroom. Students are supported in the creation of a comprehensive business plan, investor deck, and go-to-market strategy.

NVP entrepreneurs sharpen their analysis, planning and management skills throughout the program. Through access to hands-on resources and support from others who have built rewarding careers as entrepreneurs, students develop best practices for developing and running an early-stage company, and practice the skills needed to build a great business. The program includes the following training modules:

  • Self-Assessment

  • Value Creation and Exchange

  • Validation Through Research

  • Product and Service Design

  • Supply Analysis

  • Financial Considerations for the New Venture
  • Writing Your Business Plan

  • Pitching Your Business

NVP Students
YES Student Winners 2023

Admission Requirements                         

To be considered for admission to the NVP, applicants must have completed one-half credit in an introduction to business course (or a suitable equivalent with written approval from the admissions committee), and they are required to submit a letter of interest.
This letter should include the following elements:

  • Motivations for joining the program
  • A brief summary of the business concept
  • Description of the current state of the business, based on the following general stages:
    • Concept under development
    • Initial business plan complete
    • Prototype complete
    • Initial product complete
    • Generating revenue

Candidates may then be chosen to participate in an interview with members of the admissions committee. Successful candidates will then be notified about their admission into the program. Successful applications to the are automatically enrolled into the NVP Program.


Man smiling      

Contact Professor Bill McConkey, NVP Academic Director for more information about enrolment in the New Venture Program.

Email: bill.mcconkey@utoronto.ca
Phone: 416 (208) 4707
Office: Instructional Centre (IC) 264, 澳门六合彩开奖接口