
Borrowing & Renewing Materials

Library cards (TCards)

You will need a TCard or library card to borrow from the libraries. If you lose your TCard, you must report it to the library to ensure material is not charged to your account.

TCards are issued by the  in room BV498A.

You can add funds to your TCard using TCard+.

Loan privileges by patron type at most University of Toronto Libraries

Undergraduate students 14 days 84 days 50
Graduate students 90 days 360 days 200
Faculty members 90 days 360 days 200
Staff 90 days 360 days 200
Alumni 14 days 14 days i.e., no renewals 25
Research readers 14 days 42 days 100
Direct borrowers 14 days 42 days 100
Associate members 14 days 42 days 100
Continuing studies students 14 days 84 days 50


  • Items from from the Technology Lending Collection, vary between 3, 5, 24 or 72 hours and cannot be renewed

Designate a proxy borrower

  • Faculty and staff may designate another library borrower to sign out items from the University of Toronto Libraries onto their account
  • This service is also available to any library borrower unable to visit the libraries because of a disability
  • Complete this  to request this service

When another borrower places a hold on your checked out item

  • If another borrower places a hold on an item that is checked out to you, it will be recalled, i.e., your loan period will shorten to 14 days and you will get an email asking you to return within 14 days
  • If you do not return it within 14 days, you will be charged a fine of $2.00 per day until it is returned


Return materials to staff at the Information and Reference Desk. If there is no one at the Desk, return materials to the drop box across outside of The BRIDGE.

Return interlibrary loan materials to the main UTSC Library.


Automatic renewals

  • Two days before an item is due, the system will automatically try to renew it
  • If the item is not eligible for renewal, you will get an email advising you to return it
  • If another borrower requests an item checked out to you, it will not be eligible for renewal – if the due date is more than 14 days away, your loan period will shorten to 14 days, and you will get a email asking you to return it
  • Once your maximum potential loan period (see table above) is reached, you must return your items to any University of Toronto library to avoid overdue fines.
  • You can also proactively renew your items by signing into 

Automatic renewals are not made when:

  • The item is a short term loan, which include course reserves
  • The item is an audio/video item
  • Someone else has requested the item
  • You have reached the maximum potential loan period for your patron type – see table above
  • You are an alumni borrower – alumni borrowers do not get renewals

Request a hold


  • To request a hold, sign in to  and find the item you want
  • Select the GET IT IN PERSON option to request
  • NEW! You may request a hold on items that are in the library as well as items which are checked out
  • When you request a hold on a checked out item, the current borrower's loan period will shorten to 14 days, and they will get an email asking them to return it
  • When your holds are ready, you will be notified by email, and will have up to 5 days to pick it up
  • You can request items for pickup at the holding library, or for pickup at another campus


Short term loan items, including course reserves and the technology lending collection, are not requestable, i.e., holds cannot be placed on them.


  • Library privileges are withheld when an item on your account is more than 14 days overdue or your fines and/or fees reach $25.00 or greater
  • Privileges are also withheld when a short term loan, including course reserves, which are overdue by 24 hours or more
  • Should you fail to return your items on time, fines will be incurred as follows:
Regular books or media $0.50 per day per item
Course reserves & technology lending materials $0.50 per hour per items
Recalled items $2.00 per day per item

How to pay

  • Sign in to  and pay fines from your account
  • In person: Only at the main UTSC Library


Fines may occasionally be reduced or waived in extenuating circumstances.

Documentation may be required to reduce or forgive fines.

The following reasons do not warrant fine forgiveness or reduction: 

  • Forgot the due date
  • Did not receive a courtesy or overdue notice
  • Was unaware of library policies
  • Borrowed the item for someone else
  • Returned late by someone else
  • Did not report TCard stolen
  • Items belong to another U of T library

To dispute fees, contact the library from which the item originated. If you wish to appeal your fine for items borrowed from the UTSC Library, please fill in the . Wait until the appeal is resolved before paying your fine, as fine payments are not refundable.

Fees for lost & damaged items

  • Fees for lost and damaged items are charged to cover the cost of replacing or repairing the item
  • Additional fees could be charged, depending on the situation
  • Items which are not returned within 42 days of the due date will be deemed lost, and a replacement fee will be assigned
  • Returning items in a damaged condition will result in damaged item fees
Lost book, CD, DVD, VHS, video or board game  $145.00 per item
Lost bound journal  $245.00 per item
Lost unbound journal $75.00 per item
Lost charging cable, battery pack, headphones $25.00 per item
Lost pico projector, camcorder, microphone $300 per item
Lost laptop charger $50 per item
Damaged item repair fee $45.00 per item

Patrons may purchase a replacement copy of a lost book or board game and pay a $45.00 processing fee instead of the standard replacement cost, on staff approval.

To dispute fees, contact the library from which the item originated.

How to pay

  • Sign in to  and pay fees from there
  • In person: At main UTSC Library by Credit Card (VISA, MasterCard, AMEX) or Debit