
Current Students

Take a look below to to see what some of our current students say about why they chose sociology and what they like about our program.

Diana Demian

Diana Demian

English Specialist & Sociology Major

Why did you decide to study sociology at UTSC?

I was fortunate enough to attend a (Introduction to Sociology) class with my sister while I was still in high school and then skimmed through some articles she was reading for the course. It reminded me a lot of critical journalism—"popular" topics explored in a sophisticated manner. So I guess my decision came down to interest. The range of courses that the sociology program provided at UTSC was also great.

What is your favourite part about the sociology program?

Sociology is holistic: there is something in it for just about anyone. My sociology major has exposed me to everything from philosophy and art to statistics. I credit it for making me a much more critical thinker, for allowing me to step back from "official truths" and, if need be, to challenge them. It's great to know that I'm moving on from my undergraduate degree having acquired more than just knowledge, because if you're receptive enough, sociology can transform you.

Any advice for new sociology students?

Approach your studies with a broader goal than a passing GPA. The great thing about sociology is that it's hard to remain uninterested, even if you try to. Sociology will always enlighten or provoke you. Everything you learn will be pertinent to your life in one way or another, so approach it with an open mind. Also, you'll find a lot of your preconceptions being challenged—it's okay. But remember that you're just as equipped to challenge what you're taught and that it's okay to hold divergent views. And, finally, voice your interest—in class, to your professors, to fellow students. It's rewarding, and it's important to make yourself known in class.

Hossai Furmli

Hossai Furmli

Double Major in Biology & Literature and Film; Sociology Minor

Why did you decide to study sociology at UTSC?

Although the fact that humans are social creatures is intuitive, many people don't realize the extent to which aspects of human interaction affect all other fields, from political science to business to human health. This is why I feel sociology is such an important field to explore and gain an understanding of, and is also the reason why I chose to minor in Sociology here at UTSC.

What is your favourite part about the sociology program?

My favourite part of the sociology program would definitely be the great in depth conversations I have with the Professors and Teaching Assistants, as it allows things learned in class to become much more than just concepts, but rather things I can actually apply to real life.

Any advice for new sociology students?

Take advantage of all the opportunities that arise, from attending your Professors' office hours to pursuing your own personal topics of interest in sociology through research courses, because this will really help make your university experience so much more gratifying.

Storm Jeffers

Storm Jeffers

Double Major in Sociology & Psychology

Why did you decide to study sociology at UTSC?

I decided to study sociology at UTSC because I wanted to broaden my worldview, to transform it into a perspective that included a wider variety of variables. A worldview is something we carry with us everywhere, the lens we look through. It's important for that perspective to be as considerate and aware as possible!

What is your favourite part about the sociology program?

My favourite part about the sociology program is the professors. Being taught by such knowledgeable and personable people has made my experience at UTSC truly special and something I will never forget.

Any advice for new sociology students?

I have 3 pieces of advice for new students. Firstly, talk to your professors; you can learn so much from them and you will be the better for it. Secondly, respect yourself and your ideas, do not be afraid to think outside the box. And finally… study!

Edwin Joeng

Edwin Joeng

Sociology Specialist

Why did you decide to study sociology at UTSC?

I studied Sociology (Specialist) at UTSC because it was one of my main interests coming out of high school and it was a good background to have before applying for law school.

What is your favourite part about the sociology program?

My favourite part of the Sociology program is the interesting sociological perspectives used in different aspects of society. Courses like the Sociology of Work, Sociology of Education, Sociology of Gender and many other courses gave me good insight about the interaction patterns between everyday civilians. I also found the structures of oppression very interesting as it displayed a variety of factors that work together to keep certain people oppressed in society. This was an important concept to understand as it assisted me in understanding inequalities my family and friends may face on a regular basis.

Any advice for new sociology students?

My advice for new sociology students would be to think about the concepts and ideas you learn in class and to enjoy learning, or at least try to find the positive aspects of learning. Most students do not try to retain the information they learn when exams are over and only care about their grade. Knowledge is power, not a numerical value. Secondly, network with students and professors, as it will help you cope with the more challenging courses in your third and fourth year. Best of luck to the new sociology students!

Kasthuri Karunanithi

Kasthuri Karunanithi

Sociology Specialist

Why did you decide to study sociology at UTSC?

Before coming to UTSC, I did not know there was a field called sociology and I originally had plans to go into business and management. I have always been interested in the interactions between people, people and institutions, and generally how society functions. Therefore, when I took (Introduction to Sociology) and I started to learn about how different forms of social structure – groups, organizations, social categories, etc., affect human attitudes, actions, and opportunities, I knew I wanted to study sociology beyond the introductory classes.

What is your favourite part about the sociology program?

My favourite part about the sociology program is in the depth the field of sociology can be. There are so many different topics students can choose from, from sociology of family, criminal behaviour, to contemporary sociological theories. Another aspect about the sociology program that I enjoy is getting the chance to learn something new. There are many aspects of society that I have not thought about until I entered the program.

Any advice for new sociology students?

The advice I would give for new sociology students is make sure to stay on top of the readings because sociology loves to hand out readings. As well, go and talk to the professors; they might seem scary and intimidating, but they are not. The professors are amazing and extremely helpful especially during exams and papers. Finally, enjoy the time of being a university sociology student.

Jason Pagaduan

Jason Pagaduan

Sociology Specialist

Why did you decide to study sociology at UTSC?

Studying sociology at UTSC was actually not what I had in mind going into university. After learning and reading the classics in sociology and taking fascination in what I was learning about society, I knew this was the field of study for me. Soon after, I transferred into the sociology program. I met amazing people that were just as engaged in the material as I was and I haven't regretted it since.

What is your favourite part about the sociology program?

My favourite part about the sociology program is the wonderful and insightful professors that are passionate about what they teach. Each sociology course is unique; each one builds up from previous courses, allowing you to apply knowledge from one course to another. Furthermore, the study of sociology stresses the importance of critical thinking encouraging us to not take everyday life for granted.

Any advice for new sociology students?

I'd say in order to get the fullest experience of what it is like to be in sociology, you must not be scared to hold your opinions back, engage in class discussion, and participate whenever it is necessary. By not being afraid to speak your mind you will become more confident and critical. And finally, to take advantage of office hours, if you have any questions or even thoughts to share with your professors, do not be intimidated; each faculty member is approachable, professional and welcoming.

Tina Zheng

Ting (Gina) Zheng

Sociology Specialist

Why did you decide to study sociology at UTSC?

I was in Social Science in McMaster University before I transferred to UTSC. The reasons I transferred to UTSC Sociology were: it has a better reputation and it is closer to my living place and my future career city--Toronto.

What is your favourite part about the sociology program?

Actually I had no understanding about sociology before I took this program, but I love and enjoy it now. The study of Sociology covers different races, cultures, and people from different backgrounds, and it expands my horizons. More importantly, it teaches to be more open-minded and to be more objective when dealing with issues and communicating with different people. This is a precious change because it is an updating in the way of thinking but not just learning some new academic knowledge. I thank sociology.

Any advice for new sociology students?

Try to figure out some specific sociology field you are particularly interested in when you are having the 1st year introductory courses (for example, urbanization, women's studies or immigration); then get advice from the Academic Advisor to have a better study plan for your whole university life. Reading and going to lectures for detailed explanations of reading materials are very important.