


Read here to learn what some of the students who have graduated from our program have been up to since leaving UTSC.


Brian Chang

Brian Chung

Graduated in 2010 with a Specialist in Sociology, Honours (distinction)

Why did you choose to study sociology at UTSC?

I chose to study sociology at UTSC because of the combined co-op program and opportunity for greater interaction with faculty supervisors. By engaging in practical learning, I was able to enrich my experiences and reinforce what I learned in the classroom. Studying sociology offered me an opportunity to examine a broad range of multi-disciplinary fields, which further contributed to my unique learning experience.

What was your favourite part about the sociology program?

My favourite part about the sociology program at UTSC was the support and supervision I received from my faculty supervisors. Professors and mentors were always available to guide towards various interests and encourage me to participate in meaningful activities.

What have you been up to since graduating from UTSC?

After finishing my undergraduate degree at UTSC, I spent several months working in Geneva, Switzerland as an intern at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Shortly after that, I came back to Canada and started law school at the University of Windsor. I am currently in my final year of law school and will be articling at Aird & Berlis LLP, a full-service business law firm in Toronto.

How has studying sociology benefited you?

Studying in the field of sociology has helped me develop critical thinking and analytical skills, both of which have been central to my success in law school and other endeavours. It gave me a broad and solid foundation of skills for which I was easily able to build upon. Even while studying law, I still find myself drawing upon knowledge and skills that I have acquired from various sociology courses at UTSC.

Katie Stuart-Lahman

Katie Stuart-Lahman

Graduated in 2008 with a Specialist in Sociology and a Minor in Women's Studies

Why did you choose to study sociology at UTSC?

When I first entered into University I was like many students, I did not really have a clue what to study. I toyed with the idea of studying English or Women's Studies, but I realized that I wanted to study something in University that would open many doors for me. So, without having ever taken a Sociology course prior to entering into University I thought that this would be the field that would offer me the most post-graduate opportunities. After I had taken my first sociology course, SOCA01 with Professor Malcolm Mackinnon, I knew that Sociology was the right place for me to be.

What was your favourite part about the sociology program?

I cannot narrow my favourite part of the sociology program down to one single factor. To me the best things about this program were a) the relevance of what I was learning to my everyday life, b) the diversity of classes offered in the program and c) the small nature of the program which allowed me to form close academic bonds with my professors. Each of these factors combined to make the Sociology program a place where I felt comfortable and at home, a feeling I always hoped for but was never sure if I could find in university.

What have you been up to since graduating from UTSC?

Since graduating from UTSC I have continued with my academic studies. I completed my Masters in Sociology at U of T in 2007 and have since been working on my PhD in Sociology. During my graduate work in Sociology I have been able to narrow down what my interests are in the field. Now my studies focus on the Sociology of Mental Health and Sociology of Sexuality. I am currently writing my Thesis Proposal wherein I want to examine how sexual orientation status effects one's mental health level as well as how state-level laws regarding the permissibility of same-sex marriage influence sexual minorities feelings of mental well-being.

How has studying sociology benefited you?

Studying Sociology has benefitted me because it has allowed me to pursue questions that I have always been curious about, in a scientific way. Everyday we are involved in social interactions, and everyday we are effected by the decisions made by others (both whom we know and don't know). Studying Sociology has given me the tools to better understand these situations, decisions and interactions. Studying Sociology has also provided me with the skill set that I need to obtain a job, either as professor, researcher or a position within the government. While I feel that I almost "fell" into studying Sociology, it is by far one of the best decisions I have made for myself.

Darren Moore

Darren Moore

Graduated in 2005, with a Double Major in Sociology and Psychology, Honours BSc in Psychology

Why did you choose to study sociology at UTSC?

I enjoyed Sociology in High School and chose it as an elective in my first year of my Psychology program. In first year Sociology I learned about micro-credit and realized that Sociology can do an incredible amount of good for a large amount of people so I decided to take it on as a double major.

What was your favourite part about the sociology program?

I enjoyed learning about the classical Sociologists; Durkheim, Weber, Veblen, Marx, etc. and their theories on how societies function and interact. I recall that with every new theorist I was convinced that they had it right...until I learned about different ideas from the next theorist.

What have you been up to since graduating from UTSC?

I applied to a Master's in Social Work program immediately after graduating and got a job as a claim adjuster at a major auto insurance company. At the same time I was accepted in to a MSW program. My girlfriend at the time wanted to get married and seeing the costs involved in all of that I decided to pass on grad school and continued along my career path. After two years in insurance I found that I was very good at what I did and wanted to get in to a more performance-based career. I moved in to advertising sales and now work in sales for an online travel and leisure publisher. For me, skipping graduate school appears to have been a good move as my income far exceeds anything I could have made as a social worker. I may have made a greater contribution to the world as a social worker by this point in my life but I also may have become burned out by now and started from square one in my career. I feel that my case is the exception to the rule and would recommend more education to anyone who asks for my advice.

How has studying sociology benefited you?

Sociology has benefited me in allowing me to better understand the world and the people in it. It has enhanced my ability to empathize with others and has made me a much smarter person. I can do a better job of raising my children now with a greater understanding of the world and why things are the way they are.

Shirin Montazer

Shirin Montazer

Graduated in 2003 with a Specialist in Sociology and a Minor in Biology

Why did you choose to study sociology at UTSC?

I took SOCA01 as an elective while in my second year at UTSC. I liked this course so much that I decided to take more sociology courses in my third year. I did not know at the time that I would become a sociologist. My true love of Sociology began when I took social research methods. This was a challenging course, but it taught me that most questions we have about society can be answered with data. I had to write a research paper for this class and analyze a data set. I realized at every step of the process that I wanted to be a researcher. I wanted to learn more about statistical analyses and methodology. In particular, I wanted to answer questions about the unequal distribution of mental health in our society. It is not a coincidence that the majority of mental health problems are concentrated among the least advantaged. I decided that year that I was going to go to graduate school to study Sociology.

What was your favourite part about the sociology program?

My favourite part about the sociology program was the diverse courses that were offered to the undergraduates. I really liked my professors. They were all very knowledgeable and encouraging. Every course I took in the program at UTSC allowed me to see the world thru a more critical lens; to ask more questions, and to not be satisfied with all answers without first examining the evidence for myself.

What have you been up to since graduating from UTSC?

Since graduating from UTSC, I have completed my Masters and PhD in Sociology at the University of Toronto, St. George. I am currently an assistant professor at Brock University and doing research in the area of immigration and mental health. My particular focus is on the relationship between country of origin, length of residence and/or generation, and the mental health outcome of immigrants to Canada. I also do research in related areas, such as gender and marriage, work and occupations, as well as the effect of more contextual stressors on mental health outcomes.

How has studying sociology benefited you?

How has sociology benefited me? I am a sociologist. I love what I do for a living. That is how sociology has benefited me!