
Protect Yourself

The is a tri-campus service that offers support and assistance to members of the University Community on a short-term basis. They will work with vulnerable students, staff, and faculty members to ensure appropriate safety plans are created to address safety concerns.

  • Remember, most crime is committed in response to the opportunity, so the best prevention is to eliminate opportunities.
  • Save the Campus Safety emergency phone number into your contacts list: (416) 978-2222
  • UTSC Code Blue Phones are available for emergencies; assistance can be found at many locations across campus and are available 24/7.
  • You don’t have to travel alone after dark. Use Travel Safer (416) 287-7022 -- we’ll escort you to where you need to go.  You can also arrange for us to meet you at the bus stop if you are returning to campus after dark.
  • Don’t feel isolated when you are working alone – the  program is here for you.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and look out for one another.
    • Know where you are, know where you are going, and what to expect.
    • Avoid travelling alone and let people know where you are going.
    • Give yourself time to get to your destination. Choose a safe, well-lit and populated route.
  • Trust your instincts. If you feel in danger, or if you see something suspicious, call the UTSC Campus Safety office at (416) 978-2222 or 911 immediately.
  • Solicitors on Campus: The University does not support or authorize solicitation of money or the sale of any goods, services or products on campus by external agencies or organizations.