
Personal Safety Overview

The best prevention is to eliminate opportunities, remember, most crime is committed in response to the opportunity.

  • Save the Campus Safety emergency phone number into your contacts list (416) 978-2222.

  • UTSC Code Blue Phones are for emergencies; directions and assistance can be found at many locations across campus and are available 24/7.

  • Feeling isolated when walking alone? Use the Travel Safer Service. We’ll escort you where you need to go.  You can also arrange for us to meet you at the bus stop if you are returning to campus after dark. Call ahead to book a time whenever possible.

  • Don’t feel isolated when you are working alone – the Lone Worker program is here for you.

  • Be aware of your surroundings and look out for one another.

    • Know where you are, know where you are going, and what to expect.

    • Avoid walking alone and let people know where you are going.

    • Give yourself time to get to your destination. Choose a safe, well-lit and populated route.

  • Trust your instincts. If you feel in danger, or if you see something suspicious, call 911 immediately


Code Blue Phones

The campus is equipped with Emergency telephones, providing a direct line to the Campus Safety Special Constables (located on the St. George campus) when the receiver is removed from the cradle or the button is pressed. No dialing is necessary and Campus Safety Special Constables can pinpoint the location of the call immediately. Familiarize yourself with the Emergency telephone locations near your residence and throughout the University.

Refer to the Campus Emergency Phone List to find the locations of Code Blue Phones across campus.

Mass Notification System

In the event of an emergency, UTSC is equipped with a Mass Notification System which is designed to deliver information and direction to the community via speakers installed internally and externally throughout the campus.

Residence Safety Resources

Students should familiarize themselves with campus resources regarding safety and avoid behaviors that put them at risk. Residence Advisors can answer questions and assist with problems. Residence staff are on duty each evening to help Campus Safety to create a secure environment. Staff members do nightly rounds within the buildings. An on-call system assures resident issues are addressed during the evenings and weekends.

Workplace Violence

 for policies and guidelines for Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment, as well as the policy on Workplace Harassment.

Alcohol Awareness

UTSC Campus Safety Special Constables conduct alcohol impairment simulations using Fatal Vision Gogglesâ„¢ during Frosh week, Alcohol Awareness week, Safety Week and at service fairs during the academic year. The goggles simulate the effect of alcohol on the nervous system and the body's inability to compensate.


For more information and scheduling presentations please contact:

Campus Safety at (416) 287-7398 or email safety@utsc.utoronto.ca