
Professional Development

At UTSC there are a number of professional development resources that can help enhance your professional growth. Please see below a list of suggested conferences and courses.


Geography and City Studies Student Association Conference
The GCSA holds an annual conference that allows undergraduate students to come together to share knowledge and perspectives on themes within the discipline of human geography and city studies.
For more information about the conference please click

Get Hired
Get Hired is an interactive, award-winning annual conference offered by the Academic Advising & Career Centre (AA&CC). It is designed to equip upcoming and recent U of T graduates with the necessary strategies, tools, skills and confidence to find and keep work. This three-day conference includes interactive workshops, panel discussions, keynote speakers and networking events. Get Hired usually takes place in late April each year.
For more information about the conference please click

The ULead conference is a one day conference focused on building and developing key leadership skills while making connections with other campus leaders at the University of Toronto St. George campus and learning about resources on campus to help you and your group succeed throughout the year. It is designed specifically for clubs leaders looking to develop their skills and competencies as student leaders through meaningful participation and active engagement with the conference material. For more information about the conference please click


CTLB03H3 Introduction to Service Learning
In this experiential learning course, students apply discipline-specific academic concepts as they work with community partners in the service of others. Working either within the academic community or with a discipline-related off-campus community partner, students develop problem-solving, professional communication and self-reflective learning skills.

CITD30H3 Supervised Research Project
An independent studies course open only to students in the Major and Major Co-op programs in City Studies. An independent studies project will be carried out under the supervision of an individual faculty member.

GGRD31H3 Independent Research Project
Independent research extension to one of the courses already completed in Human Geography. Enrolment requires written permission from a faculty supervisor and Associate Chair, Human Geography. Only open to students who have completed 13.0 credits and who are enrolled in the Human Geography Major, Human and Physical Geography Major programs, or Minor Program in GIS sponsored by the Department of Human Geography.