
Physical & Human Geography

Physical Geography is the study of the science of spaces; it examines the structures of the world around us- both natural and man-made- as well as the formative processes of these. Human Geography is concerned with the spatial patterns of humans and human activity over spaces and places. This program connects these two aspects of Geography to give students a complex understanding of the world around us, explain spatial phenomena, and help them to apply spatial theories and techniques in a variety of real-life situations. The  examines:

  • The factors affecting economic development
  • Social concerns around the natural environment
  • Land use policies and sustainability
  • Factors in the physical environment such as geology, climate, water, and soil
  • Biodiversity and sustainability practices
  • Policies and laws affecting the environment, and more.

What makes Physical & Human Geography at UTSC unique?

A combination of environmental science and social science provides graduates with both quantitative and qualitative analytical skills for use in their future work.