
On the Move: Call for submissions

picture of a group of students

is a project sponsored by the Department of Human Geography at UTSC. On the Move welcomes contributions from all students interested in combining storytelling, writing, and research in and beyond the classroom. We especially interested in writers with a strong point of view and a willingness to work with others in collaboration.

On the Move is currently accepting applications for issue #2, to be published in Spring 2014. The new extended deadline is 12:00 pm (noon) on December 20, 2013. All interested student writers are invited to apply online at .


There are just a few rules.
  • The essay must be short (under 3500 words), and appropriate for online publication.
  • The essay must demonstrate an engagement with geographical concepts such as space, place, scale, location, mobilities, etc.
  • The essay must have been submitted as a course assignment at the University of Toronto.
  • The author must commit to participating in an intensive revision process in Winter 2014 with the goal of publishing the essays online by late March 2014.
  • All essay require a short faculty nomination. .
Please take a look at the Frequently Asked Questions, and get in touch with us if you have further questions.
Twitter: @OntheMoveUTSC