
January 2014 career & networking event a success

GCSA event

After weeks of planning and organizing, on January 23, 2014, the Geography and City Studies Student Association hosted their very first Career and Networking Event in the Ralph Campbell Lounge. Alumni of the Geography and City Studies program at UTSC were invited to share their experiences about education, working and how the interdisciplinary nature of the two programs has resulted in various career paths.

A total of 40 students attended, making the event a huge success enjoyed by students and faculty members. This provided students with critical knowledge about future career and degree options while, offering an opportunity for them to connect with alumni on a more intimate basis. 

The talks delved into the Alumni’s experience with the UTSC campus and how it had helped them in the ‘real world.’ One of the speakers mentioned that the ‘City studies and geography program teaches you just about everything which is something very valuable about this program. It is interdisciplinary. You learn about economics. You learn about sociology. You learn about planning. You learn about Geography.' The Alumni were thrilled to personally answer any questions students had and were excited to be a part of the event.

The Geography and City Students association is highly pleased with the success of this event and will aim to make this a yearly occurrence and implement a questions and answering panel to the event agenda. They also hope to organize several other events in the coming year to provide students with networking and community involvement opportunities. Students can visit  to find out about future events and how to get involved within the association.