
20 years of freedom in South Africa: A reflection

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South African Symposium "20 Years of Freedom" on May 1 and 2, 2014 (2 days)

You are invited to attend a symposium at UTSC, “20 Years of Freedom in South Africa” from May 1 -2, 2014, hosted by Thembela Kepe, Department of Geography UofT, Centre for Critical Development Studies UTSC, Bettina Von Lieres, Centre for Critical Development Studies UTSC, Melissa Levin, African Studies New College and Department of Political Science UofT. 

As you are aware, one of last century’s most intractable conflicts ended 20 years ago. It was on 27 April 1994 that all South Africans went to the polls to elect the country’s first democratic government and to end formal apartheid. That day is now commemorated by South Africa as Freedom Day. In celebration of twenty years of democracy and freedom, we are gathering together a small group of scholars and activists to critically assess the character of social, political and economic transformation in South Africa on 1-2 May at UTSC.

Please join us in pursuing our joint objectives of consolidating our community of engaged Africanist scholars. The cost is $10.00 and includes breakfast and lunch on both days. Payment will be accepted at the registration table on May 1, 2014.


 (via the Intranet)

 (via the Intranet)

Download the poster (PDF format)

The symposium will take place on campus at the ϲʿӿ. Location and final details will be sent to by email.

Please Remember RSVP for Day 2 of the Symposium (May 2,2014) on the intranet

Sponsors: The Dean’s office, UTSC The Principal's office, UTSC Department of Student Life, UTSC Centre for Critical Development Studies, UTSC Department of Historical and Cultural Studies, UTSC Department of Human Geography, UTSC African Studies, New College, University of Toronto Dalla Lana School of Public Health Department of Anthropology and Centre for Ethnography, UTSC