
Taylor Lambie in Northwest Territories

Taylor Lambie

Hello! My name is Taylor Lambie and I am headed to the hamlet of Fort Liard in the Northwest Territories of Canada for my 10-month co-op placement. I will be working with high school students at the local school as an eLearning Classroom Monitor.

The high school students at the Echo Dene School are taught through distance learning, meaning that since they are unable to have a teacher physically in the classroom, they video conference in a teacher somewhere else in Canada to teach them the curriculum. In my role, I will be to act as a teacher assistant, providing support to the students while I work to engage them in their lessons. I also look forward to helping out with after-school activities by using my past volunteer and coaching experience. I am so excited for this co-op placement as I am passionate about working with youth and have an interest in education, which I want to pursue in a career in teaching. I am hoping to learn lots and explore more of Canada while in the Northwest Territories.

As of right now, I am hoping to focus my research on the construction of roads in the Northwest Territories and the benefits and draw backs that this has for remote communities, specifically focusing on economic development.

I am very thankful for the SKF Canada Limited Scholarship for financially supporting my co-op placement.

I am so excited for thi new adventure, if you want to follow along my journey feel free to follow my YouTube Channel: The Co-op Diaries