
Co-op Fees

Co-op Fees for 2024/2025

Domestic Students

  • IDS Co-op Program year 1 entry (8 payments x $704)
  • IDS Co-op Program domestic year 2 entry (6 payments x $937)

International Students:

  • IDS Co-op Program international year 1 entry (8 payments x $1,138)
  • IDS Co-op Program international year 2 entry (6 payments x $1,516)

Co-op Fees – Where do mine go?

For students in the International Development Studies Co-op Program, co-op fees are in addition to tuition and incidental fees. Co-op fees relate to costs associated with the administration of work terms and are calculated in accordance with the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, and University of Toronto policies. The costs recovered through the fees are:

  • Salaries and benefits of that portion of each staff position which includes obtaining job postings, preparation of students for the work term experience, monitoring work term activity, and debriefing students and employers following the placement);
  • Recruitment services and work-term activities including travel, tele­phone, mailing/postage, printing, photocopying, publicity, computing, equipment and furnishing, supplies and expenses, and external meetings;
  • Regardless of whether they enter the program in the first or second year of university study, the co-op fee schedule ensures that the total amount of co-op fees payable is fairly assessed

Schedule for Fees Assessment

The co-op fee schedule ensures that the total amount of co-op fees payable is fairly assessed regardless of the year of entry, and that students will generally not be assessed co-op fees in the final year of their program, after their work terms have been completed.

The payment of co-op fees is spread over a number of sessions (Fall, Winter, Summer). The number of sessions and the amount of fees depend on the year of entry to the program. The total Co-op fee amount is the same whether students are admitted in year 1 or year 2.

For students admitted to the Co-op Program in Year 1, the co-op fees are payable in each of the first eight sessions (Fall, Winter, or Summer) in which the student either enrolls in any number of academic courses or is on a work term, after which no further co-op fees will be payable.

For students admitted to the Co-op Program in Year 2, the co-op fees are levied at a somewhat higher level, but are payable in each of the first six sessions (Fall, Winter, Summer) in which the student either enrolls in any number of academic courses or is on a work term, after which no further co-op fees will be payable.

Fees Payment

As in the case of tuition fees, co-op fees are posted to a student’s account. The co-op fees for the Fall and Winter sessions will be posted in the Fall and co-op fees for the summer session will be posted in April. Students must make a minimum payment to regis­ter, then may pay the balance of their account in monthly installments. Accounts should be paid in full by the end of the Winter session; in the event of an outstanding balance at the end of the session, students will not be permitted further registration, nor have transcripts issued. For the summer session, the co-op fees are payable in full at registration. For more details on payment of your account, see the Student Account Information Booklet provided with your registration material.

Please note that all co-op students are charged co-op fees at the begin­ning of each registration period. If students do not register in courses or are not on a work term, the fees are reversed at the end of the course enrollment period in mid-May, mid-September and mid-January.

Refund Policy

If a student withdraws during the session from all of the courses in which he/she is registered, the refund schedule for incidental fees will apply to the Co-op fees. If a student leaves the program for any reason, co-op fees paid in earlier sessions are not refundable. If a student registers for courses and subsequently secures a work term, the co-op office will request that the student’s course fees be refunded if the request falls within a reasonable amount of time.

Please direct questions regarding student accounts or payment of fees to University of Toronto Student Accounts at 416-978-2142 or info.studentaccount@utoronto.ca. Students can also consult the University of Toronto Fees Schedule at .