

IDSSA Team 2017

Photo above: IDSSA Team 2017

GDS Executive Committee:

The GDS Executive Committee is responsible for the overall management of the various IDS programs. Its jurisdiction ranges from curriculum management and reform, to the management of the IDS Coop program, to the organization of extra-curricular events such as GDS seminars, lectures, and debates, to planning around issues relating to student recruitment and awards.The GDS Executive Committee is chaired by the GDS Chair (or the Associate Chair in her/his absence) and consists of: all faculty formally cross-appointed to the GDS, the IDS Co-op Coordinator, the President of the IDS Student鈥檚 Association, and a fifth year student representative from the IDS Co-op program.   

GDS Sub-Committees:

While the GDS Executive Committee deals with most issues, there are also sub-committees of the GDS Executive Committee along with ad hoc Working Groups that are created from time to time.  Two formal sub-committees are:

Curriculum Committee: This is an advisory committee to the GDS Executive Committee, responsible for the year-to-year management of the IDS curriculum.  It is also designed as a forum within which student interests regarding curriculum issues can be raised. Its membership consists of the GDS Chair, the GDS Associate Chair (who will act as chair), two GDS faculty members, the President of the IDSSA, and up to four student representatives - one from the IDS Specialist Coop program, one from the IDS Specialist Non-Coop program, one from the IDS Major program and, if not represented already, one from the IDS Specialist BSc streams.

Communications Committee:  This is an advisory committee to the GDS Executive Committee. Its membership will consist of the GDS Chair, the GDS Associate Chair, and student volunteer representatives.

IDS Forum:

The purpose of the IDS Forum is to provide a formal space for open dialogue among the students, administration, and faculty of the program on curricular, advising, placement and other issues that the IDS community as a whole deem important. The IDS Forum is jointly-convened by the President of the IDSSA and the Chair of the Global Development Studies (GDS) and all agenda items should be sent to them. It should meet at least once in each of the Fall and Winter terms. Additional meetings of the IDS Forum may be formally requested of the two conveners at any time.

International Development Studies Student Association (IDSSA):

The IDSSA is the Departmental Student Association representing all International Development Studies Students at the 澳门六合彩开奖接口 Campus.  IDSSA provides the following to students:

  • Acts as the liaison between the IDS student body and the Global Development Studies. This includes, but is not limited to advocating for student needs, sitting on the GDS Executive Meetings and holding a bi-annual IDS Forum with student and faculty participants. 
  • Career and professional development opportunities, including volunteer positions, networking events, graduate fairs, etc.
  • Academic assistance and IDS-specific services such as essay peer-editing, study groups, book exchanges, etc. 
  • Foster an engaging and close-knit IDS community through social events such as their annual Ugly Holiday Sweater Party and the Reading Week Retreat. 

To stay up to date on IDSSA events and services please visit their page.