
Sofia Villamizar in Colombia

Sofia Villamizar

Hi everyone! My name is Sofia and I am currently a 4th year IDS co-op student starting my placement next July. My 10-month placement will take place in Bogota, Colombia alongside World Vision Colombia.

World Vision is an organization that strives for the development, advocacy, and empowerment of children and families in vulnerable positions around the world. In 1978 World Vision established a local presence in Colombia working within the five most vulnerable regions of the nation. I will be working in World Vision Colombia鈥檚 head office in Bogota where my primary duties as an Organizational Assistant will include information management and report writing in response to the Venezuelan migrant influx the area is experiencing.

Going to Colombia for my co-op placement is not only an extraordinary opportunity but a dream come true. I am extremally privileged to be able to advance my academic career by bringing development theory and practice together in the country I was raised in. I hope to gain the most out of this leaning experience whilst conducting independent research regarding the Venezuelan migration crisis.

I am extremally grateful to the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Scholarship and World Vision Canada for making my placement possible. I am very excited for the year ahead! If you would like to accompany my journey, follow me on Twitter @SofiaVilla55