
Post Placement Spotlight: Jianan (Amber) Xu in Cape Town, South Africa

Jianan in Cape Town

From July 2017 to May 2018, Jianan interned with Natural Justice in Cape Town, South Africa. She assisted in the work of the Climate Change Program and Governance of Lands and Natural Resources Program. Under the Governance of Lands and Natural Resources Program, her role included legal workshop coordination, conflict resolution, conference documentation, and legal research preparation. She was mainly responsible for desk-top research related to national/international environmental legislations and community impact assessment. During her mandate, Jianan had the opportunity to go on field trips to where indigenous communities resided, such as the nature reserve, the desert, between country borders, and along coastlines, to empower marginalized community members to negotiate with various stakeholders (government, and international corporate particularly) for their customary rights.

Meeting with residents of Cape Town

Jianan’s research aims to reassess the key informants’ personal confidence level towards current communal land administration model—Communal Property Association, and if possible, vision the future appropriate legal tool for communal land titling, in the purpose of better post-resettlement development.

In her free-time, Jianan enjoyed attending dance classes, running marathons, and mountain climbing. She also had the opportunity to experience scuba diving in South Africa.