
Post Placement Spotlight: Borrsha Kanapathipillai in Lira, Uganda

Borrsha in Uganda

From June 2017 to April 2018, Borrsha Kanapathipillai worked as the Donor Representative for Children of Hope Uganda, in their Lira office. Children of Hope Uganda runs a vocational and technical school as well as a nursery school in Barlonyo, which is a community that was affected by the war in Northern Uganda. The organization runs Income Generating Activities (IGAs) in order to ensure the sustainability of the schools and the community. IGAs took the form of raising pigs, chicken, goats, agriculture and more. Borrsha鈥檚 role in the organization was diverse.

Borrsha attended meetings at the school and presented on behalf of the organization when needed. She facilitated communications between the office in Lira and the one in Toronto on a daily basis in order to ensure that both offices were on the same page. She also assisted in other departments of the organization by writing and editing grants as well as by assisting in the monitoring of projects, touring any visitors and more.

Borrsha with Ugandans

Borrsha current research focuses on understanding the transition period for deaf and hard of hearing youth from school to the workplace, using a school as a case study. As part of her thesis research, Borrsha is examining the struggles the deaf and hard of hearing youth face during this period and the role of schooling in the transition, as well as what services and support they have.

Borrsha on a mountain

During her past time, Borrsha enjoyed taking hikes, learning to cook local foods, spending time with others and exploring other regions of Uganda.