
Olivia Dymek in Vietnam

Olivia Dymek

Hey everyone! My name is Olivia and I am heading to Vietnam this June for a 10-month placement with the Centre for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD) through WUSC. SRD has numerous projects focusing on Sustainable Agriculture, Rural Livelihoods, Climate Change Adaptation, Forestry Governance, and Pro-Poor Policy Advocacy. SRD further empowers disadvantaged communities in rural and mountainous areas to sustainably manage their own livelihood systems. My position is a Program Support Officer, and I will be assisting with program implementations and helping to improve communicational activities. As someone who is extremely passionate about development and the environment, I am excited to experience working for an organization in this field! I hope to gain a greater perspective about effective strategies to combat some of these issues. I will also be conducting research for my thesis focusing on an environmental issue within Vietnam. Currently, I am looking into climate change and pollution.

I am very thankful for my Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship (QES) and Gallant Y. T. Ho Scholarship that is allowing me to have this amazing experience!