
Marc in Kenya

My name is Marc Lombardo and I am interning as a Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant with the Kenya Equity in Education Project (KEEP); an initiative of Windle Trust Kenya (WTK) and WUSC with funding from the UK's Girls' Education Challenge (GEC). KEEP's objectives are to promote girl-friendly school environments, provide direct support for learners, and mobilize community support for girls' education in Kenya's two major refugee communities, Kakuma and Dadaab. My role is to support the collection, organization, and reporting of quantitative and qualitative data used for monitoring the project's activities. I have the privilege of working in both the Nairobi office of WTK and the field office at Kakuma refugee camp. Both environments are challenging in their own ways but it's an exciting project and I am learning a lot about the practical and ethical challenges faced by NGOs that work with refugee communities. Kenya is an incredibly diverse and beautiful country and Nairobi is a hub for development institutions in East Africa so it's an interesting place to be. You can read more about my placement here: