
Linda in Sri Lanka

Linda Bui

If you’d asked me when I first started studying IDS at UTSC if I knew my co-op placement would be in Sri Lanka, I probably would not have believed you. Mainly because co-op year felt like an eternity away. And here I am three years later, quickly approaching departure date! 

Hello friends and readers, my name is Linda and I am absolutely nervited (nervous + excited) to be completing an 11-month placement with the World University Service of Canada (WUSC) in partnership with a Sri Lankan organization called the Institute for Development of Community Strengths (INDECOS). I will be working as a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer with a women’s entrepreneurship program at INDECOS. My role includes conducting an in-depth study to address challenges facing the program & facilitating community workshops.   

I am a big believer in lists, so my bucket list for placement includes:

  •  Diving into research for my thesis (research areas may be focused on education, environment, gender and/or health)
  •  Eating (a lot) of delicious food
  • Trying new things - like learning a new language and navigating a new transit system (hope I don't get too lost)
  • Connecting with and learning from my community and people
  • Journaling/blogging my experiences (I’m going to try Mom and Dad!)

I am very privileged for this opportunity and want to thank the IDS co-op program, CCDS, #QEScholars program, WUSC, family and friends for the endless support. You can follow my journey on Instagram/Twitter (blog website TBD) @lindahuyenbui