
Kyla in Sri Lanka

Kyla Goodhand

Hi everyone! My name is Kyla, and I am very excited to be completing an 8-month placement with Uniterra (a WUSC & CECI program) in partnership with an organization called Institute for Development of Community Strengths (INDECOS) in Matara, Sri Lanka. This opportunity has been made possible through becoming a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship. My position with INDECOS will be, “Business Communication Skills Officer” with the Women’s Entrepreneurship Program. The Women’s Entrepreneurship Program was designed in 2006 to assist Tsunami affected women of the coastal Matara district. The objectives of the program are to increase the income of self-employed women affected by the Tsunami, encourage unemployed women to start a new business, strengthen family relationships, and improve the health of communities. As an individual with a passion for the facilitation of development that is rooted in self-reliance and sustainable long-term results, I am thrilled to be working with an organization that reflects such.

My thesis research for now will seek to explore maternal health and health care in Sri Lanka. I am very thankful for this opportunity and would like to thank WUSC and CECI, #QESScholars program, CCDS, the IDS co-op program and community at UTSC, and all of my friends and family for their continued support. If you are interested in following along with my experience as a Uniterra volunteer and a #QESscholar follow my Instagram account: .