
Julio Oliveros in Tanzania

Julio Oliveros

Hi Everyone! My name is Julio Oliveros, and I will be going into my fourth year at UTSC with a double major in Psychology and Philosophy. I will be going to a city called Babati, which is located in Tanzania! As a QE Scholar I will be working as a Youth Entrepreneurship Officer with the Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (TCCIA). My job will be to assists the youth in the region with the development of their businesses, and with connecting them to other businesses in the area.

I am incredibly excited to begin my journey as a QE Scholar, and to connect with and learn from, other QE Scholars. I hope to learn a lot from the partner organizations I will be working with, and to also connect with other youth and assist them in their journey to managing a successful business. I am excited to learn about Tanzanian culture and to be fully immersed in it for three months. I am looking forward to using the skills and knowledge I gather in my internship to further my professional career and to grow as a person.

I am really looking forward to my time in Tanzania, and to share all my experiences when I get back! See you all when I come back to Canada!