
Grace Wong

Hello!  My name is Grace and I am a 4th year IDS Co-op student.  I will be going to Southeast Asia for 10 months with OMF for my co-op placement as a Community Development Intern.

Grace Wong

For most of my placement, I will be based in an urban centre, but I also have an amazing opportunity to be travelling around to neighbouring areas as well to visit different organizations and observing their projects.  I will be helping out OMF with their current projects and looking at what new projects could be launched that would benefit the community.

I am very excited to be able to travel and to learn different languages and culture and this program has given me the opportunity to do so and for me to be able to do research as well.  Right now I am planning on researching about education and how this may or may not affect people.

I would also like to thank everyone who has made this happen and am extremely

I am very grateful for the scholarships I have received to make this opportunity possible, such as the IDS Scholarship and Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship, and I would like to thank everyone who has helped me to make this happen. I hope that I am able to learn and to make an impact on the communities that I reach and that this would be reciprocal for them too. I am looking forward to this upcoming co-op placement and follow me on Instagram (@gwongadventures)!