
Ghazal Farkhari in India

ghazal farkhari

Hello! My name is Ghazal and in September, life will be taking me towards Kerala, India to work alongside an organization called the Centre for Research & Education for Social Transformation (CREST)

My work with CREST will be focusing on the caste system in India and its effects on the Adivasi and Dalit students in the professional field. Through language and soft skills training, this organization hopes to give these students the skills and confidence necessary to thrive and succeed in the professional world. Specifically, I will be assisting CREST staff through coaching high school and graduate students individually. The goal of the organization is to help students develop their confidence, and overcome cultural and social barriers.

I will also be conducting independent research on topics which may include social mobility amongst castes, mental health issues amongst lower caste students as well as perhaps looking into naturopathy and methods of natural healing.

I am so grateful to have been a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth ll Diamond Jubilee Scholarship (QES) as well as the Scarborough-York Region Chinese Business Association Scholarship.

I can鈥檛 wait to make new friends, try new foods, experience new sights and discover the beauty and adventures that Kerala has to offer!

If you鈥檇 like to accompany me on this journey, follow me on Instagram @farghazal

 See you all next year!