
Ashna Hudani in Thailand

Ashna Hudani

Hello! My name is Ashna Hudani and I will be spending 12 months in Bangkok, Thailand, working with the Centre for People and Forests (RECOFTC). RECOFTC is an international not鈥恌or鈥恜rofit organization that specializes in capacity development for community forestry and devolved forest management. By focusing on capacity development, multi-sectoral collaboration and innovative solutions, RECOFTC aims to empower people in and near forest landscapes, to protect themselves from the injustices of poverty and environmental degradation.

Through my role as a Monitoring and Evaluation Intern, I will be responsible for assisting the Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation unit at RECOFTC with their activities. This was made possible through the Queen Elizabeth and the SKF Canada Limited Scholarships, as well as support from RECOFTC.

I cannot wait to begin learning - both from my co-workers and supervisors at RECOFTC, but also from the new experiences that await! If you鈥檇 like to be updated on my activities, feel free to connect with me via Instagram or Linkedin (@Ashnahudani).