
Amber in South Africa


Haai! (Hi!) My name is Amber. (My name is Amber.) Ek gaan na Suid-Afrika toe. (I am going to South Africa.) Ok, I have already run out of my Afrikaans vocabularies. And as one of the participants of IDS Co-op program, I really appreciate the chance to be able to do my coming 10-month placement in Natural Justice鈥攁 grassroots NGO in Cape Town, South Africa. Natural Justice is a lawyer鈥檚 community which concentrates on the issues of indigenous human rights and environmental law. My role in Cape Town Hub will be assisting my supervisors with different projects about bottom-up community development and help arrange the monthly meetings between different offices of Natural Justice. One great thing about small NGO like Natural Justice is that I will be able to experience different roles in the organization and explore all my capabilities to deal with tasks. Additionally, I received the generous help from CCDS by being offered the Filosa Family International Development Studies Placement Scholarship. With the support of CCDS, I aim to perform as good as I can on the organization鈥檚 work and empower the local community to define their own sustainable development.