

We have selected the new name U(t)-Mathazine to reflect the fact that we now have more contributors from all three University of Toronto campuses. We have also redesigned the Magazine鈥檚 style to create a better platform for communicating mathematical formulas. Just like the many lessons that we have learned during the pandemic, we hope that these changes will result in a more accessible and inspiring mathematics publication. 

Call for Submissions (Summer 2024 Issue):

Have a topic in mathematics and/or statistics that you鈥檙e passionate about? Contribute to the next edition of U(t)-Mathazine

The process is simple:

  • Contact us saying you have an idea for a piece (using the form linked below)
  • We will connect you with a mentor to help prepare your piece
  • Prepare an early draft by February 2024
  • Respond to edits and comments throughout the summer
  • Once approved and finalized, your piece will be published in the August 2024 issue

We welcome a variety of different submission types: standard text articles, illustrations, drawings, comics, creative writing, research, book reviews, etc. 

Some topics you could focus on, but are not limited to, include:

  • Homogenous coordinate system
  • Fractals
  • Games and the mathematics behind them
  • Open or unsolved problems/conjectures (e.g. Is pi normal?, the chromatic number of the plane, Collatz conjecture, Goldbach's conjecture, the Ramsey number R(5,5))
  • Other ideas are welcome 

Have an idea but not sure where to start? Please fill out the form below, and we will be happy to help you with the writing and editing process. 

If you have a piece ready to submit, use the link below (question six) to submit your draft. Articles should be a maximum of three single-spaced pages, including any figures. 

General inquiries should be directed to our email address: mathstats.utsc@utoronto.ca

Please submit your ideas and files here:

DEADLINE FOR SUMMER 2024 SUBMISSIONS: Monday, February 19, 2024