
Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Undergraduate research opportunities

Biological Sciences Supervised Study - Course Overview

BIOB98/99H3 - Supervised Introductory Research in Biology will be offered with in person components on campus.  

BIOC99H3 - This course will be offered in the Fall/Winter/Summer terms with in person components on campus.  You may also be required to attend in person tutorials according to the timetable schedule.  Please note: you must form a team and obtain a supervisor for this course.

BIOD95H3 - Supervised Study in Biology will be offered with in person components on campus, you can access UTSC library content online.

BIOD98/99Y3 - Directed Research in Biology will be offered with in person on campus components that are required to complete the course successfully.  You will be required to meet with your supervisor, conduct experiments and access resources on campus.  You will also need to come to campus to connect to the campus network for completing any Biosafety, WHIMIS, or other training offered through EHS.

BIOD98Y3 cannot be taken with BIOD99Y3


  • Once you have a faculty supervisor from Biological Sciences, you will need to complete the supervised study form below or from the Registrar's office to be approved to enroll in the course.
  • Please submit completed forms prior to the last day of course enrolment in the term you are planning on taking the supervised study course.
  • If you have any questions regarding the Registrar's supervised study form or processes for enrolling please e-mail Tracey Gayle (bioscisupervisedstudy.utsc@utoronto.ca)  


BIOB98H Supervised Introductory Research in Biology  

A course designed to facilitate introduction to, and experience in, ongoing laboratory or field research in biology. Supervision of the work is arranged by mutual agreement between student and instructor. Students must fill out the permission form & Registrar's Supervised Study Form that is to be completed and signed by the student and supervisor and which will include an outline of the work to be completed.

NOTE: This course DOES NOT satisfy any Biological Sciences program requirements.

NOTE: This course is a credit/no credit course.

Prerequisite: At least 4.0 credits including BIOA01H3 & BIOA02H3 & enrolment in a Biology program.

Exclusion: BIOB98H3 may not be taken after or concurrently with BIOB99H3, BIOD95H3, BIOD98Y3 or BIOD99Y


Please complete the following forms:

  1. Supervised Study Form – Once you have found a Biological Sciences supervisor, please have them complete and sign the Supervisor section of the form then email it to Tracey Gayle at bioscisupervisedstudy.utsc@utoronto.ca  
  2. Academic History – All pages of your academic History need to be submitted to your supervisor.  Request on
  3. Course Plan  With the help of your supervisor please complete a course plan and email it to Jennifer Campbell jac.campbell@utoronto.ca 

BIOB99H Supervised Introductory Research in Biology 

A course designed to facilitate introduction to, and experience in, ongoing laboratory or field research in biology. Supervision of the work is arranged by mutual agreement between student and instructor. Students must fill out the permission form & Registrar's Supervised Study Form that is to be completed and signed by the student and supervisor and which will include an outline of the work to be completed.

NOTE: BIOB99H is identical to BIOB98H3 but is intended as a second research experience. In order to be eligible for BIOB99H3, with the same instructor, the student and the instructor will have to provide a plan of study, the scope of which goes beyond the work of BIOB98H3.

NOTE: This course DOES NOT satisfy any Biological Sciences program requirements.

Prerequisite: BIOB98H3

Exclusion: BIOB99H3 may not be taken after or concurrently with BIOD95H3, BIOD98Y3 or BIOD99Y3.


Please complete the following forms:

  1. Supervised Study Form – Once you have found a Biological Sciences supervisor, please have them complete and sign the Supervisor section of the form then email it to Tracey Gayle at bioscisupervisedstudy.utsc@utoronto.ca
  2. Academic History – All pages of your academic History need to be submitted to your supervisor.  Request on
  3. Course Plan or Permission Form - With the help of your supervisor please complete a course plan and email it to Jennifer Campbell (jac.campbell@utoronto.ca


BIOC99H3 Biology Team Research 

This course is meant to provide an introduction to academic research. A group of 3-5 students work together to develop a research proposal and/or implement a research project under the general guidance of a faculty researcher. Students meet regularly with a  graduate student and attend several skill development sessions. Components of assessment are determined prior to project commencement, but may be based on student contribution over the term and a final written product.

Prerequisite: (1) Enrolment in a UTSC major or specialist Subject POSt offered by Biological Sciences & (2) have completed all second year core program requirements & (3) have at least 10 full credits & (4) a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 (5) acceptance of the application by a faculty member.


Please complete the following form:    Registrar Office's Supervised Study Form

BIOD95H3 Supervised Study in Biology 

This course is designed to permit intensive examination of the primary literature of a select topic.  Frequent consultation with the supervisor is necessary and extensive library research is required.  The project will culminate in a written report.  Students must fill out the permission form & Registrar's Office Supervised Study Form that is to be completed and signed by the student and supervisor.


Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of 12.5 full credits, of which at least four must be Biology B or C level courses. Students must have permission of the instructor.


Please complete the required form attaching the relevant forms and transcript (below).

  1. Supervised Study Form – Once you have found a Biological Sciences supervisor, please have them complete and sign the Supervisor section of the form.
  2. Academic History – All pages of your academic History need to be submitted to your supervisor.  Request on
  3. BIOD95 Permission Form - With the help of your supervisor please complete all pages of the Permission Form.


BIOD98Y3 Directed Research in Biology

This course is designed to permit laboratory or field research or intensive examination of a selected topic in biology. Supervision of the work is arranged by mutual agreement between student and instructor.  Students must fill out the permission form & Registrar's Supervised Study Form. Both forms are to be signed by the student and supervisor. Once complete the student will be provided with the schedule and general requirements for the course.  10 sessions of group instruction will form part of the coursework.


Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of 13.5 credits, of which as least four must be Biology B or C level courses and permission of the instructor.

Exclusion: CSB498Y, EEB498Y, (BGYD01Y3), (BGYD98Y3), (BOT460Y), (ZOO498Y)

BIOD98Y3 cannot be taken with BIOD99Y3


Please complete the required form attaching the relevant forms and transcript (below).

  1. Supervised Study Form – Once you have found a Biological Sciences supervisor, please have them complete and sign the Supervisor section of the form.
  2. Academic History – All pages of your academic History need to be submitted to your supervisor.  Request on
  3. BIOD98Y3 Permission Form - With the help of your supervisor please complete all pages of the Permission Form.


BIOD99Y3 Directed Research in Biology

This course is identical to BIOD98Y3 but intended as a second research experience. In order to be eligible for BIOD99Y3, with the same instructor, the student and the instructor will have to provide a plan of study that goes beyond the work of BIOD98Y3.


Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of 13.5 full credits, of which at least four must be Biology B or C level courses and permission of the instructor.

Exclusion: CSB498Y, EEB498Y, (BGYD02Y3), (BGYD99Y3), (BOT460Y), (ZOO498Y)


Please complete the required form attaching the relevant forms and transcript (below).

  1. Supervised Study Form – Once you have found a Biological Sciences supervisor, please have them complete and sign the Supervisor section of the form.
  2. Academic History – All pages of your academic History need to be submitted to your supervisor.  Request on
  3. BIOD99Y3 Permission Form - With the help of your supervisor please complete all pages of the Permission Form.