
Seminar Series

Please note that seminars generally take place on Fridays at 12:00 p.m. during the Fall & Winter terms 

December 16, 2022

Dr. Cornelius Taabazuing - Proteolytic regulation of innate immunity

November 4, 2022

Towards a mechanistic science of global change: from cells to ecosystems and human well-being - Dr. Joey Bernhardt

October 28, 2022

Proteomics of Fungal Disease in One Health - Presented by Prof. Jennifer Geddes-McAlister

October 21, 2022 

Deciphering and engineering kinase-mediated responses to stress in plants - Presented by Prof. Thomas Defalco

October 7, 2022 Zoominar 

Bats and emerging coronaviruses: a tale of evolutionary adaptations - Presented by Dr. Arinjay Banerjee

September 30, 2022 Zoominar 

Circumventing autophagy inhibition in cancer - Presented by Dr. Christie Towers

September 23, 2022

Fish at the air-water interface: a physiological and evolutionary perspective - Presented by Dr. Giulia Rossi


Winter drawing titled Winter 2022 Zoominar Series

January 28, 2022 Zoominar Link:  

(Passcode: *2Q%mh@q0q)

Jan 28 Zoominar

January 21, 2022 Zooominar link:  


Passcode: Vrxd9@Sd$S 

Jan 21 Zoominar


January 14, 2022 Zoominar link: 

Passcode: Y@M4GdPe4z

Jan 14 Zoominar




Fall 2021 Zoominar Series




Sept 13, 2021 Dr. G. Filion

"A gentle introduction to 2021–2022: some things I learned from blogging"

A gentle introduction to 2021–2022: some things I learned from blogging

For those of you who could not attend today’s session or if you wish to re-visit the discussion, please see the link below:

Passcode: p^P?J$$48% 

Sept 24, 2021 Dr. Sara Mathieson

"Automatic evolutionary inference using Generative Adversarial Networks"

Automatic evolutionary inference using Generative Adversarial Networks

Passcode:  X0J?n19BJ!

October 1, 2021

Dr. Schwartz

"Finding (and solving) sources of conflict in phylogenomics"

Finding (and solving) sources of conflict in phylogenomics

Passcode: 09m1%Rx$v1

October 8, 2021

Dr. Samniqueka Halsey

"Understanding ecological patterns using long-term data sets, remote sensing, and computational approaches"

Abstract: There is an upsurge in the use of long-term datasets due to increased computational power that allows us to utilize data effectively. In this talk I discuss two ways I have used long-term datasets, first for the federally threatened dune thistle, Cirsium pitcheri,  and second to understand the ecology of Lyme disease. Using different modelling approaches, I aim to showcase how management can help with biodiversity conservation and understanding disease emergence.

Understanding ecological patterns using long-term data sets, remote sensing, and computational approaches

Passcode: v#wUQcy2^t 

October 22, 2021 Dr. Allison Shultz

Summary: The goal of Dr. Shultz's research program is to understand the evolutionary processes that produced diverse phenotypes, integrating both ecological and functional constraints. To achieve this broad goal, she integrates studies of phenotypic and genotypic variation at different organizational levels. Her seminar is focused on pathogen-mediated evolution using a genomic perspective and integrates research at different evolutionary timescales, ranging from a broad study of genes under selection across birds to recent pathogen-mediated evolution in House Finches.

Evolution across timescales: comparative and population genomics studies of host-pathogen co-evolution in birds

Passcode: 4SwNrsVx&6 

October 29, 2021 Dr. Adam Steinbrenner

Summary: The plant immune system recognizes pests and pathogens and activates defense responses. While recognition of microbial pathogens is well studied, mechanisms to detect chewing herbivores are not clear. We recently identified a cell surface immune receptor to detect peptide patterns in the oral secretions of caterpillars, a mechanism uniquely evolved by a single subfamily of legume host plants. I will describe our current efforts to use this system to understand both immune signaling specificity and evolution of receptor functions.

Plant Immune Recognition of Insect Herbivores

Passcode: *v!dj.3VEj

November 5, 2021 Dr. Aleeza Gerstein

The evolutionary mystery of ploidy dynamics in fungal microbes

November 12, 2021 Dr. Alex Filazzola



Examining climate extremes on ecosystems in a changing world


Passcode: T+VNVD&4bw


November 19, 2021 Dr. Rebecca A. (Becky) Chong,

Nov 19 Seminar



November 26, 2021 Dr. Ayari Fuentes-Hernandez,




Passcode: S0x+^D2WYk 


December 3, 2021 Dr. Rudy Boonstra


Dec 3 Seminar



Passcode: 9fqG!DMysf

December 10, 2021 Dr. Tory Hendry 


Dec 10 Seminar


Environmental bacteria and host interactions: evolutionary consequences and host impacts.