
Ina Anreiter

Ina Anreiter
Assistant Professor
Telephone number
Building SW 558A (Office), SW432 (Lab)

Research Interests: We study processes of gene regulation that influence behaviour. Every individual is the product of their inherited genetic information and the environment in which they were conceived and developed. Experience influences development, biological processes, physiology, and behaviour. One of the big questions in behavioural science is how experience gets embedded in our biology, and why individuals differ in their behavioural responses. We use the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism to study the genetic, epigenetic, and epitranscriptomic regulation of behaviour, stress response, and biological embedding. Our work combines classical genetics, molecular biology, transcriptomics, behavioural assays, and bioinformatics.

Keywords: Animal behaviour, genetics, epigenetics, epitranscriptomics, gene regulation 

Research Area: Behavioural genetics, Behavioural epitranscriptomics, neurobiology

Current Research: 

  • Understanding the role of epigenetic/epitranscriptomic regulation in physiology, metabolism and food-related phenotypes. 
  • Understanding the role of epigenetic/epitranscriptomic regulation in sleep, circadian rhythms, learning and memory and longevity. 
  • Understanding the molecular pathways through which mRNA methylation regulates behaviour and plasticity.   


BIOC15H3 - Genetics