
Welcome to Design & Construction Management

Design & Construction Management (DCM) comprises a team of design and project management professionals who provide responsive, high-quality and creative planning, design and implementation solutions for capital projects ranging in value up to $10M and campus wide space analysis and space plans . The team undertakes functional planning exercises that include benchmarking and solutions for emerging space typologies and space management practices, and contribute technical expertise and knowledge for larger scale capital and partnership projects.  All work is undertaken with the aim to address campus strategic goals through the incorporation of best practices in health & wellness, accessibility, environmental and social sustainability.

Project types range in complexity, impact and dollar value annually and typically include a combination of larger scale planning and design together with renovations and retrofits to existing facilities and public spaces that support teaching, research and the student experience. These projects also maintain operations essential to the UTSC community, and ensure the wise stewardship of the buildings and physical assets that make up the campus. 

Projects include:

  • Laboratory and research space renovations to accommodate new research activities
  • Teaching and learning spaces including new models of active and technology enhanced learning
  • Administrative or departmental space changes related to expansion and/or functional changes and tackle ideas around ‘the future of work’
  • Student and public space amenities
  • Space planning changes including furniture solutions
  • Renewal and refurbishment to building, infrastructure, and utility systems
  • Facilitation and management of campus wide planning directions related to Landscape and Public Realm