
Innovation Spaces

Project: Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Garden Project

Site Plan

The Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Garden Project is a partnership that brings together The Indigenous Network, Redbird Circle Inc., ICUBE, and the UTSC Department of Management. The project includes the construction of four fully-accessible 24ft geodesic dome greenhouses that will house gardening and vertical farming infrastructure funded by Economic Social Development Canada through the Canada Community Revitalization Fund (CCRF). These facilities will be used to support an entrepreneurship training program, to be facilitated by Redbird Circle, built around the Anishinaabe medicine wheel.  The workshop series focuses on venture and community project creation supporting food sovereignty and security for Indigenous communities.

The growing dome greenhouses will be located on UTSC land near the Highland Creek Valley together with other UTSC facilities that support athletics and community outreach. The project is ‘light on the land’ in that it is temporary and reversible, and planned to be on site for 1-5 years, though an extension of some additional years may be of interest. The site has been carefully chosen to minimize disruption to the sensitive environment, and respects the existing location of memorial elements keeping them in place and untouched.

The domes themselves are not connected to any permanent infrastructure and are self-sufficient through solar, geothermal and water climate controls that extend the growing season for most of the year.  Accessible gravel pathways surround each dome for maintenance and will connect the four dome structures together with the roadway for ease of drop off and access.

All municipal approvals have been received and construction will begin mid-September with a target completion date of mid to late November 2023. Installation of planting materials and programming will follow immediately upon construction completion.


Dome Image:

Dome Image



Project: BRIDGE

Bridge Image

Client: Department of Management with UTSC Library

Date Occupied: Winter 2019

Description: The Department of Management Finance Lab was relocated to a prominent and visible ground level location in the IC building, paired with Library and collaboration space that creates a unique environment for learning. The space is oriented to the public atrium and is visible and creates animation and engagement from the adjacent streetscape of Military Trail. Unique lighting, materials and casework create a creative and flexible space that allows for multiple modes of use, including active learning, quiet study, small group seminars, tutorials and presentation preparation.
