

Psychological & Health Sciences (Mental Health Studies)

Pronouns: she/her

About Me

I was interested in the Psychological and Health Sciences Co-op Program but soon found work-study to be more up my alley after joining the First-Year Learning Communities (Transition) Program. With Mental Health Studies, I am very interested in becoming a counselor and enjoy helping people live holistically, beginning mentally. In July of 2023, I did the Summer Abroad Program, studying Mental Health in Greece. I had the opportunity to live in Greece for 1 month where I explored the city of Athens and went on various field trips to a psychiatric hospital, refugee center and KOS Island. This enhanced my undergrad experience because it gave me insight into Social Work, which I had never thought about before.

Advice I wish I told my first-year self might have been:

There is no such thing as a bad question because it is better to clarify and be informed than make (avoidable) mistakes. At the end of the day, it's your degree and there is no such thing as "falling behind" whether you take a 5th, 6th or 7th year.

My favourite food: 

Nigerian (and maybe Korean) food

During my free time: 

I enjoy spending time with Jesus, hanging out with friends & family and making music