

Human Biology and Psychology



About Me

I was always passionate about the Sciences and helping people, hence why I first chose Human Biology. With my first year experience at UTSC, I became more interested in Psychology and a new perspective of science, thus I decided to major in it as well. As someone who is passionate about the field of Sciences and values diversity, UTSC is a campus widely known for the major discovery of insulin and being one of the most diverse campuses in Toronto, hence why I wanted to join a campus with this strong reputation. 

Advice I wish I told my first-year self might have been:

To get more involved, especially with clubs. There are a lot of clubs for everyone and it is a perfect way to meet more people.

My favourite food: 

Pakistani Food (Biryani is the Best!)

During my free time:

I enjoy spending time with friends and family, playing card/board games, and watching YouTube videos.