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UTSCid Account Password Change

To change your UTSCid account password you must authenticate by entering the required information:
Depending on your browser there should be some indication that this connection is secure, eg a closed lock in the URL line or corner of the browser window. If that indication is absent, do not complete this form.
Your UTSCid username:
Your username is usually the part before the @ in your @utsc email address, do not use a firstname.lastname alias.

Your current UTSCid password:

The password you set for your UTSCid account must be secure, unguessable and not shared with anyone. Do not write it down. If you cannnot think of a good password, do not complete this form at this time. You may not use your name, or anything derived from a word, or just numbers for your password, and it must be between 6 and 8 characters long. Passwords are case sensitive.

A good way to make a password you can remember without having to write it down is to think of a short phrase and take the first letter of each word. It will look like gibberish (the ideal password).

New Password:
Repeat New password:
Your new password will be subject to a number of tests, and if it fails you will have to back up to this form and re-enter all the information. These tests take a bit of time so there may be a noticeable pause before you get a response.

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