
UBC's Undergraduate Journal (JPE)

The UBC Journal of Philosophical Enquiries (JPE) is looking for undergraduate essay submissions for the 2021-2022 edition. 
JPE is a student-run academic journal which publishes high-quality writing from undergraduate students from UBC and universities all over the world in philosophy and other contiguous disciplines such as intellectual history, literary criticism, classical studies, political science, sociology etc. You do not have to be a philosophy student, nor does your submission have to be a philosophical paper in order to be considered. Please see our for more detailed guidelines and previous years' publications.
Besides the personal satisfaction of getting published, successful authors will learn a lot from the process of editing and revising one's work under the guidance of faculty members and peer editors, ultimately producing a piece of polished scholarship. 
Students may submit a maximum of two pieces of writing, 8-20 pages double spaced, however only one may be published even if both pieces are of high merit. Please remove all names or other personal identifiers on submitted document(s). This is to keep the selection process completely anonymous. Standard typeface, formatting, margins, pagination, etc, apply.  Citation style: Chicago is preferred, however other citation styles will be accepted on the condition that the paper be converted to Chicago if it is chosen to be edited and published.  
Please send submissions of ubcjpe@gmail.com . The deadline for submissions is January 2, 2022.  Successful papers will be contacted via email and further steps will be provided. Please reach out  Brandon Bach and Patrick Li, Co-Editors-in-Chief with any further questions.