
Andrew Lee

Portrait of Andrew Lee
Assistant Professor
Building MW 382


Prof. Lee is interested in the structure of consciousness. His work examines how structural concepts鈥攕uch as degrees, dimensions, continuity, discreteness, parts, wholes, isomorphisms, and state-spaces鈥攃an be applied to conscious experiences. Some of his work can be described as "mathematical phenomenology."

Prof. Lee also works on philosophical questions about value, welfare, locations, infinite sums, introspection, perception, attention, and analog representation. His areas of research cut across mind, ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, language, science, math, and cognitive science.

To learn more about his work, visit his .


  • PhD, Philosophy (NYU) 2019
  • MA, Philosophy (Brown University)
  • BS, Cognitive Science (Brown University)
  • BA, Philosophy (Brown University)

Teaching Interests

Teaching in 2024-2025

PHLA10: Reason and Truth
PHLB55: Puzzles and Paradoxes

Research Interests

Philosophy of Mind