
Campus & Community Resources

Historical Context Documents


KGO UTSC Emerging Model Report

KGO-UTSC Emerging Model Report

In 2011, The Storefront and UTSC embarked on an approach to community/university collaboration that aimed for positive impact, with core objectives in innovation and community transformation. The Emerging Model Report explores the KGO community鈥檚, The Storefront鈥檚, and UTSC鈥檚 value-based approach to community development. 


View KGO UTSC Emerging Model Report


KGO-UTSC Partnership Report

KGO-UTSC Partnership Report

The KGO-UTSC Partnership Report takes a look at the  cross-sectoral partnership among The Storefront; community organizations in the Kingston-Galloway/Orton Park (KGO) region of Toronto; residents of the area; and 澳门六合彩开奖接口. It outlines how the partnership emerged, its shared values, and sets a collaborative vision for the future.


View KGO-UTSC Partnership Report 





Online Resource Hubs and Toolkits


UTSC Campus Curriculum Review

UTSC Campus Curriculum Review Resource Hub

The Resource Hub has been developed with the invaluable labour, thoughts, and reflections of the members of the UTSC Campus Curriculum Review Working Circle. The hub is intended to serve as a companion to the main curriculum review report. It is designed to be an easily navigable site offering equity-based, inclusive, anti-racist, and anti-colonial pedagogical resources for faculty, librarians, staff, and teaching assistants (TAs). 

View the Resource Hub



Attendees at SoundLife Scarborough learn about drumming in a hands-on session

Experiential & Global Learning SharePoint

The Experiential and Global Learning (EGL) SharePoint provides accessible and relevant information to support the development and implementation of experiential and global learning opportunities at 澳门六合彩开奖接口 - including guiding documents, links to relevant websites, helpful resources, and contact information for the various EL supports available to faculty, staff, librarians, students and community & industry partners.






Guiding Strategies, Frameworks, and University Reports


Students walking on campus

Guiding Strategies

Learn about the campus-wide plans & priorities we ground our work in, including UTSC's Inspiring Inclusive Excellence Strategic Plan, The Scarborough Charter on Anti-Black Racism and Black Inclusion in Higher Education, and The UTSC Master Plan on Campus Growth and The UTSC Campus Curriculum Review.

View UTSC's Guiding Strategies



Sunset shot of two students walking outside of Highland Hall

UTSC Compensation Framework 

The UTSC Compensation Framework, entitled Removing Barriers for Payment and Guidelines for Compensation when Working with Members of Communities (Individuals and Sole Proprietors), has been developed to help clarify processes for payment, remove barriers, and ensure culturally appropriate compensation, particularly when working with individuals bringing community-based knowledges to 澳门六合彩开奖接口 (UTSC), including Indigenous communities. 



Answering the Call Wecheetowin Truth and Reconciliation Report

Answering the Call - Wecheehetowin

The University of Toronto TRC Steering Committee's Report, Answering the Call - Wecheehetowin, is the University鈥檚 response to the national Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It highlights the collective journey the University is taking to build a new and bolster a relationship with Indigenous communities. 




Report of University of Toronto Anti-Black Racism Taskforce

The University of Toronto Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report

The University of Toronto Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Report provides valuable context on the history of anti-Black racism in Canadian society and education and acknowledges the progress made to date at the University of Toronto. The report then outlines the Anti-Black Racism Task Force recommendations.





Community-Created Resources


East Scarborough Playwork

East Scarborough Storefront Playbook

The Playbook outlines The East Scarborough Storefront's mission, impact, strategic directions, and the principles and practices that underpin its work through the Connected Community Approach (CCA). It is the culmination of strategic, creative, and reflective efforts by The Storefront's staff, Equity Committee, Brain Trust, Steering Committee, and community members.




East Scarborough Equity Framework

East Scarborough Storefront Equity Framework

The Equity Framework outlines The Storefront's commitments to fostering equity and dismantling white supremacy within the East Scarborough community. It focuses on workforce development, addressing systemic racism, advocating for decent work, and providing culturally relevant resources. Using the Connected Community Approach (CCA), it ensures collaboration with equity-focused partners and employers. The visuals in the framework were created with input from 19 local residents, facilitated by Beth Helmers and Jesse Wabegijig of the Community Arts Guild during the Community Speaks event last October.




Black Governance & Leadership Project Team

Black Governance Leadership Project

The Black Governance Leadership Project (BGLP) has created a Black-focused curriculum for a governance and leadership project. BGLP is a joint initiative by TAIBU, 澳门六合彩开奖接口, East Scarborough Boys and Girls Club, and Alpha Alpha Delta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. aimed at dismantling anti-Black racist barriers hindering the participation of Black Canadians at imperative decision-making tables. 




EGAP Framework Report Cover

EGAP Framework by Black Healthy Equity Working Group

EGAP (Engagement Governance, Access and Protection) is a framework that envisages Black communities gaining control over their collective data. At the heart of the EGAP Framework is a desire for data sovereignty for Black communities.





Sustenance Beyond The Surface Report by Feed Scarborough

Sustenance Beyond The Surface - A Report by Feed Scarborough

Sustenance Beyond The Surface takes a deep dive into food security and its root causes. The report was compiled by Toronto non-profit organization Feed Scarborough (Scarborough Food Security Initiative).