
Safety Tips

  1. The University of Toronto is not responsible for loss or damage to a vehicle (motorcycles and bicycles included) and/or its contents, while parked in any University parking lot, regardless of cause.
  2. Should theft or damage occur, notify and obtain assistance from Campus Safety Special Constables at 416-287-7398.
  3. Lock your vehicle at all times while parked on campus.
  4. If you leave items in your vehicle, put them where they cannot be seen.
  5. Before you leave your vehicle look around carefully. For safer passage to/from the parking lots, please use the UTSC Travel Safer Service by calling 416-287-7022 or ask someone you know and trust to accompany you.
  6. If a vehicle follows yours under the automated gate arms into parking lot, do NOT approach the driver. Please report the incident to Parking Services at 416-287-7576 during business hours, or Campus Safety thereafter at 416-287-7398, providing a description of the vehicle, the time and the location of the incident.
  7. Be aware of your surroundings, and report suspicious persons or activities to Campus Safety at 416-978-2222.