
UTSC students team up to solve some mysteries behind celebrated museum collection

Malcove Collection UTSC
Students in Alen Hadzovic's class brought their expertise in technology and chemistry to examine artifacts from The Malcove Collection, a large museum collection that spans from pre-history to the 20th century (all photos by Chai Chen)

Tina Adamopoulos

A group of U of T students from two very different disciplines have teamed up to uncover some secrets behind a museum collection that spans from prehistory to the mid-20th Century.   

The academic detective work was done on selected pieces from , a permanent display of art located at U of T's Art Museum. The goal was to help fill some of the blanks in the collection by a true merger of the arts and sciences.

The collection itself was donated by Lillian Malcove, a Freudian psychoanalyst who had gathered more than 500 objects over a 50-year period –ē but not much was known about the history behind many of the museum’s artifacts. A detailed material analysis was needed to help trace its history, and that’s what two projects from the program (SiR), a four-week residency between U of T’s three campuses, set to find out.

“When basic information is missing, it means researchers and teachers don’t use it because they want to be able to tell their class about its history,” says Erin Webster, associate professor, teaching stream, art history. “Having that concrete, factual identification is going to make it easier to use the collection in the future.”

While Webster’s group had knowledge of art history, Alen Hadzovic, associate professor, teaching stream, chemistry, and his group of science, studio and art history students were able to lend their expertise in technology and chemistry to identify materials used in a few of the collection’s pieces.

Webster had used pieces from the collection in her classes before, but the more she worked with the collection the more she realized the need for collaboration.

“We really wanted to showcase the knowledge that could be developed out of students working across disciplines to help push questions and knowledge in way of sharing expertise at the undergrad level,” Webster says.

One of the technologies used was an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) hand-held spectrometer, which offers a safe and non-destructive look at the chemical elements of a sample, particularly metals in objects such as sculpture, jewelry and decorative pieces. Certain blending of materials are unique to specific time-periods –ē this helps to identify when (and where) they were made and also allows for proper conservation of objects and their full description.

Malcove Collection UTSC students
Looking at one of the museum objects under a digital microscope. Students used different techniques to gain a better understanding of the origins behind some of the artifacts in the collection. 

Rashana Youtzy studied Christian objects, including an oval-shaped pendant. The pendant, which has a raised image of the Virgin Mary holding a post-crucifixion Jesus on its surface, is carefully lined with leaves around its frame.

“Holding an object that is centuries-years-old amazes me,” says Youtzy, a fifth-year UTSC art history student. “I found it really enticing that I could contribute to the field and not only mark a check-point in my academic career, but also in the lives of the artworks.”

Working with Liam Bryant, a third-year art history specialist at St. George, the group used XRF analysis and digital microscopy to accurately date the pendent down to the half-century, rather than a hundred-year gap, predicting that the two objects they studied were from the European Renaissance, likely produced in Italy.

“Initially we had read that the pendant was created in the 17th century and made with white bronze, then on a different file it had silver written as the material,” Youtzy says. “Through our analysis we established the material as silver, and after studying silver-working processes alongside the stylistic analysis we could claim it was made in the 16th century.”

Le Anh Chau Tran, a third-year arts management student, studied the illuminated features of a manuscript from a Dutch prayer book. While it was suspected they contained gold, no one had ever done a material analysis on it before. The group figured out that parts of the manuscript were made with real gold, meaning it was likely made for elite patrons.

“The intersection between the humanities and chemistry worlds has the potential to be a discipline in itself,” Chau Tran says.

Hadzovic adds there’s potential for an interdisciplinary approach beyond the program itself.

“I’ve had chemistry students tell me, ‘I didn’t know I could work in an art museum,’ but you can,” Hadzovic says. “I want to constantly show students the possibilities they have in the field and the different challenges they may meet as they navigate the space of chemistry.”

Bryant hopes to become an art conservator in the future. Since it’s hard to find art conservation classes at the undergraduate level, he used the opportunity as a way to get experience in a related field.

“The Scholars-in-Residence program allowed me to really see what my future could look like in a sincerely palpable way,” Bryant says.  

“I suggest applying. Depending on the project, you really have the opportunity to distill a very abstract idea of your future down to an academic reality.”

Hadzovic and Professor Webster are offering a joint fourth-year research-based seminar this winter that has grown out of the SiR project, and will bring art history and chemistry students together for further study of Malcove objects.


The team would like to thank the U of T Art Museum and the Doris McCarthy Gallery, for assisting with the study, transport and store of the artworks, as well as Tony Adamo, TRACES  lab manager in the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences, and to the Jackman Humanities Institute.