
Students looking for summer jobs may have to think outside of the box this season

Job applicant
Looking for summer work? The traditional way of looking for jobs may not work this season, but here are some helpful tips and advice on where to look (iStock image by Ross Helen)

Don Campbell

With strict physical distancing rules in place and an economy essentially in lockdown, this may be the most unforgiving market for students looking for summer jobs in recent memory.  

“The traditional ways of looking for summer work may not work this year,” says Jen Davies, manager, career development services at ϲʿӿ’s Academic Advising & Career Centre.

“We're looking at an extended period of economic disruption, so that means fewer job ads being posted and even greater demand for each individual posting.”

Until the pandemic hit, Davies says it had been a job seeker’s market, but within a four-month period everything has been flipped around. As economists began to consider the possibility of an extended recession, she says the strategy of simply sending out a bunch of resumés and crossing your fingers in the hope of getting a few responses, likely isn’t going to cut it.

Importance of networking


“Networking is going to be crucial for job seekers,” she says.  

She recommends doing what’s called a ‘people search,’ that is, finding an industry you’re interested in or one that is currently hiring, and network to find people you can connect with. 

The trick will be finding those few opportunities and then getting noticed because there will be increased competition. Davies says using Google to look beyond the big companies to find smaller firms and start-ups will be important. 

As a way in, she says try doing as much homework on an organization as possible. Go on their social media channels, find out what they’re doing and what they value, and then try to engage them in a conversation will help make your application stand out.

“Ask them thoughtful questions about their plans or priorities, or even comment on the job posting you saw for that assistant position,” she says, adding that even though meeting in person may not be possible, try to arrange a quick 15-minute phone or video call.

Jen Davies
Davies recommends looking for industries that are still hiring - like tech, telecoms or companies that deliver goods - and then do a 'people search' in order to find people to connect with.


Who is hiring?


As for industries that will be hiring, she says those in the business of delivering goods will be a solid bet. When physical distancing measures were put into place, Amazon and Walmart immediately went on a hiring spree just as other organizations were laying off staff.  

“Businesses that deliver goods and materials are probably still going to be hiring people, but that does mean going out in public and continuing to interact with people,” she says.

She adds organizations that rely on call centres, specifically financial institutions, tech companies and telecommunications, are likely still looking to hire.

“Money management is becoming a very urgent issue, and people won’t be able to do a lot of banking in person,” she says.

“The technology sector will be busy. We're spending a lot more time on our cell phones and computers, so businesses that make apps, telecoms, and Internet companies – anyone with interest in working in technology can probably expect to find some jobs.”


Managing expectations


Finally, Davies says it will be important to manage expectations. There will be a lot of rejection and none of it may be your fault.

“Don’t take the lack of interest personally, it’s just the economic situation we’re in at the moment,” she says.

“You’re going to feel responsible and want to second guess everything – was my cover letter good enough, is it my resume, do I have enough experience – but it’s very likely got nothing to do with you, so don’t lose hope.”

She says it will be important, now more than ever, to make use of resources available to students. In