
Other Languages

Welcome to language studies at UTSC!

Our language courses are quite intensive, which means you will learn a lot!

Please note that registration in A- and B-level courses with the prefix LGG is subject to the approval of the instructor. Students will be assessed at the beginning of the course and those whose level of proficiency in the language is inappropriate (most often too high) for the level of the course will not be approved for enrolment.

Most often we are offering the following language courses:

  • Intensive Introductory Spanish
    • Usually taught by a Unit 1 course instructor (Grad student), and the instructor typically changes every term
    • Offered most summers


  • Intensive Introductory Modern Standard Arabic
    • Sessional Lecturer is not always the same
    • Offered every other summer term


  • Introductory Tamil I and Introductory Tamil II
    • Offered every fall/ winter